In 2017 the Council of Europe ended it’s coordination of the No Hate Speech Campaign after 5 years of campaigning, but the No Hate Speech Movement lives on. In order to make The Future Now this Study Session will allow all stakeholders of the No Hate Speech Movement to meet, discuss and decide on the future of the movement. The study session will both celebrate the legacy of the No Hate Speech Movement and explore future actions for combating hate speech through human rights.
Place: European youth center Strasbourg, France
Dates: 21st to 25th October (arrival day 20th and departure day 26th)
Participants: 35
Costs: 50 EUR participation fee. Travel, food and accommodation is covered.
Working language: English
Application deadline: 15 July 2019
The No Hate Speech Movement has since 2013 combated hate speech and promoted human rights online and offline. In a time where media is influenced by fake news and populism, hate speech becomes a tool to discriminate vulnerable groups and challenge basic human rights. Internet still can remind us of the wild west where the basic rules in society don’t apply. Internet governance is still a young process. The Secretary General warns about a human rights crisis involving both new and online media. It raises the question – are we doing enough to protect human rights online?
With Human Rights and Human Rights Education at its core, the No Hate Speech Movement have addressed these issues, but the need for action has not lessened. How can young people take part and address these issues? How can we teach media literacy, critical thinking and internet governance to current and next generations of young people? The No Hate Speech Movement provides the platform where these issues can be discussed and responded to, building on the lessons learned since it all started with the terrorist attacks on young people at Utøya in 2011.
This study session supports several of the Council of Europe’s programme priorities by gathering activists, partners and human rights educators involved or wishing to be involved in the No Hate Speech Movement. The resources developed by the Youth Department and the No Hate Speech Movement, our experiences on Counter and Alternative Narratives and Human Rights Education – we can change heads, hearts and hands and create our own alternative narrative built on Human Rights, equality, diversity and inclusion.
At the study session will explore and develop the structures and strategies, tools and actions we need to keep the Movement alive and act for human rights in our daily online and offline lives.
This study session aims to create a meeting space for young people working against hate speech and for human rights online and offline, a space for raising competence, building capacity and network on the needs and challenges of the No Hate Speech Movement and use human rights education and counter and alternative narratives to promote media literacy and youth participation in internet governance.
The objectives are:
- To allow space for networking and competence building for the No Hate Speech Movement following up on the outcomes of the Study Session Making Counter and Alternative Narratives 2018 and the needs of the new initiative group of the No Hate Speech Movement.
- To develop new human rights based messages and narratives for the No Hate Speech Movement.
- To explore human rights education and counter and alternative narratives as tools to strengthen media literacy, critical thinking and youth participation in internet governance.
- To explore potential plans, strategies and activities for the follow-up of the No Hate Speech Movement.
To participate in the Study Session you should be between 18 and 35 years old and have been active in the No Hate Speech Movement. This can involve being active in the campaign on a local, national or international level, as activist or representative of an organisation, as well as national campaign committees, networks, initiatives, youth workers, human rights educators or partners.
Further the participant needs to:
- Able to work in English
- Motivation to take part in preparations and follow-up
- Preparations including reviewing draft documents before study session as well as contributing to the celebration of the legacy of the No Hate Speech Movement
- Follow-up includes willingness to continue the networking after the Study Session as a part of the No Hate Speech movement
We encourage all people to apply, regardless of disability, gender, sexuality, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, religion or other status.
Travel to and from home and the venue as well as food and accommodation during the Study Session is covered by the youth center, but there is a registration fee of 50 EUR that will be deducted from the travel reimbursement or collected during the first day of the event.
If you have any questions please contact [email protected]
The Study Session is organised by “Common Sense” Youth Organization, APICE AGENZIA DI PROMOZIONE INTEGRATA PER I CITTADINI IN EUROPA, Associazione YEPP Italia, Center for Intercultural Dialogue, Euro-Mediterranean Resources Network, HRANT DİNK FOUNDATION, Human Rights Association, Human Rights Education Youth Network, I Participate, Impetus – Center for Internet, Development and Good Governance, National Institute for Social Integration, OHRID Institute for Economic Strategies and International Affairs, Stopp hatprat, NCC of the NHSM Norway, Subversive Front, Wereld Esperanto-Jongeren Organisatie, Youth Alliance via Networking, Youth Association DRONI, Youth NGO “MIKS”, Youth Work Association (TURKEY)